How To Cut Sugar Out Of Your Diet

nutrition Aug 28, 2017

There are currently 61 names for sugar.

Our bodies have the same response to sugar whether it comes from granules or dates. The misconception is that if it’s something like date sugar, it’s better for us. Not true, it’s still sugar. Read labels.

Take a screenshot of this so you have it in your hand next time you are in the grocery store.

Now that you have your sugar cheat sheet in your hand, it is time to take a look at some of your favourite foods. There are so many things marketed as “healthy’ out there and sure maybe they are better alternatives, but really what’s in them?

I’ve been fooled by a few that I never thought of before. Supplements like protein bars, energy bars, pre workout, and even chewing gum have ingredients that may CAUSE obesity.

Fat free yogurt, (Fat free anything for that matter) and even some cottage cheeses, almond milks, and more have things in them I just don’t think we should be putting in our bodies daily.

This process is not meant to scare you, but to bring awareness to what goes in. Things that you never thought of could be hampering all your hard work. There are some things we will never be able to avoid, and realistically without the current food systems that the modern world has in place we wouldn’t be able to feed us all.

Could you imagine the ripple effect if sugar and some preservatives became illegal? So many jobs lost, food shortages, and utter chaos. Human population is in deep but we can make changes. You can be a leader, an example, and perhaps our future generation can adopt and implement something different. Awareness is key.

So what can we do?

Eat more REAL Food, plain and simple! Avoiding sugar is not the same as cutting carbs. We NEED carbs, just the right ones, the ones nature has provided for us. 

Another quote I love is "If food has a commercial, it's probably not the best choice.

Want more tips like this one?? Check out The 131 Method... I learned SOOOOO Much from them :)

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