Morning Routine Rituals

podcast Feb 13, 2019
Morning Routine Rituals

Wow, sometimes the hammer hits you right in the face.

We need to be self aware to grow…but we also need a mindset shift.

Listen & Subscribe to show on: Morning Routine Episode

 There are 2 types-

Fixed mindset 

 Growth mindset - Here’s the thing…most of us have both

The greater we expand our growth mindset, the easier it is to identify where the areas are that we we want a fixed mindset to change 

I’m going to share with you how I made this shift recently and I’m sharing this with you both as a marker for the growth I will experience between now and next February, and as an effort to share this info with you so that you can grow with me.

The absolutely BEST way to start your day to be the most productive, happy, balanced you.

There is a recipe

There are studies upon studies

I’ve had personal success with it 

It’s simple 

Make Your Bed

Drink a big cup of water 28oz or so 

Reflect on gratitude


Move your body 


Learn something New

Plan your day- already sketched out from the night before 

 ALL before looking at your phone.

 It started with this feeling that things were off for me…and quite frankly they have been since the day our dog had her first stroke last summer.

I kept summing it up to grief, training hard for the marathon, fatigue , working lots, little time off….but what I didn’t factor in was how my morning routine had shifted so much.

Yes I read Miracle morning, I’m a huge fan of the 5 am club, and I teach people how to restore balance in their life.I even teach people this whole feed yourself first in the morning stuff. BUT I haven’t really been practicing it - because I have a flexible schedule, so I took for granted I would make the time later…and I never did.

I believe in taking time off social media even though it’s hard because our business is primarily online. But I haven’t been.

Over the years I've learned how to heal through food and optimize my nutrition …but things have been sooo off lately …

I peeled some layers off, like letting go of my very part time gig as a Beauty Advisor and we have readjusted some of our business main events..but I still felt kind of like a victim.

 As I felt my body shifting this last couple of months to reflect the emotional and physical stress I’ve felt, I started asking for help…positioning myself in the spot where I could be coachable and ready to receive.

Well when you ask, it’s up to you to receive and recognize the pathways when they are offered.

 I know what to do and so do you-

It starts with revisiting the basics of morning Routine

Here is a 28 day planner & journal reset I  created a 28 day Planner to help "reset" those routines :)

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